Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Following is the list of colleges and their ranking in all India level. List of colleges in TN are ranked here. Our College does not find a place here.

In the top 50 colleges, 5 colleges from Madurai find a place: 

Fatima College  ---         rank    16
Lady Doak College -                  34
Thirumalai Naicker college -    40
Yadava College                          44
Saraswathi Naryanan College - 49

Last December, the Chennai alumni association organized a big gala day in our college campus. A big carnival. A whatsapp was started then. Some two weeks back seeing this list one of our old students felt very bad about it and expressed his anguish. 

Since many of our alumni are in dark about the struggle that was going on against the present principal I sent a note to the whatsapp group. 

I sent the following note .....



1970 – 2003.  A glorious period of my life. I worked in a “heaven”. Our American College staff, compared to so many other colleges, were a gifted lot. So many nice things we enjoyed unlike other college faculty. To quote one single example, in my early days we never have to sign any daily attendance register. When you have work, do it. That’s all. In all other colleges, most of the managements had this as a shackle to keep faculty under their duress.  Our college had to go for it only after the insistence of the government after giving direct salary payment.

Freedom was so much for both to the students and staff. We enjoyed it with our own set standards. Staff-student relationship was admirable. Especially the testimony of graduate students who go for other colleges for post graduation always tend to say what a great life they had in our college.

Then came a struggle in the college in the years after 2008. A long and bitter journey for people who loved this college. During this period thru this blog and by direct contact,  alumni who were in higher echelons were even approached. Unluckily people thought that it was just an internal politics. None realised the biggest danger the college would be facing if the unruly elements took the reins.

Had all the faculty come together or if the student community stood with the fighting faculty, things would have been different. Only the non-teaching staff who stood so strongly with the fighting people are to be always remembered with great gratitude.

Government rule says that the principalship is only for 5 to 10 years and principals should relieve the post for the next senior. Ha.. this rule is not for those who are so power mongering like the present principal. Who cares for government rules and regulations.  Powerful people have powerful tools!

Who cares for the all India ranking of colleges. Their only aim is to have the “college industry” to mint money. They days when our college worked so hard for such glories were all over.

So goes the story….


Like this blog, the whole lot of alumni in that group is in very deep silence !!!



  1. Anguish is there in every alumni soul....
    Morals or Christian belief is gone from the college and it's official... where do the righteous live not certainly not among non-righteous; even if they live among non-righteous, nothing can be done...
    Let's hope and pray, AC regains it's former glory in the years to come....

  2. glad at least some alumni responded. it just shows the love and care they have for their Alma mater.

    1. As we have discussed earlier, the fighting spirit for a common cause is died long back, it suits for both teaching staff and students as well. My father went to jail so many time fighting for teachers union and all the strikes were participated by all the teachers selflessly, now the scenario is different selfish or self centered ppl are afraid of the so called superiors and boot lickers numbers are higher than fighters. Hence as you said, the blog, WA group and FB will be ignored those posts and. few keyboard warriors will will make some noise just for seeking attention.


    Sad state of affairs! It's really disturbing to read the article! The alma mater which enabled us to face inclement weather, rough seas, and many a cyclone is believed to have been 'sunken' by the saboteurs! Let's join together to salvage the 'sunken ship', which is a 'Noah's Ark' for all of us, and put in on an even keel with double hull so that it can always have fair weather, favourable winds, and enough water under its keel! Let's contribute in whichever way possible to put it back on the fairway of past glory!



    Hi friends,

    Learned members of this group appear to possess in depth knowledge, experience, and expertise in various fields, various subjects, different domains. No other college will have such Alumni. Enviable.

    Our college - our alma mater - our pride is at the rock bottom of the rankings for autonomous colleges. As we all know it has lost it's reputation considerably.

    Why can't we all stop discussing about the Presidents of America, Russia, Prime Ministers of Israel, England, and India and start thinking about uplifting the standard of the American College?

    Why not stop arguing about different political parties, leaders, their ideologies, and meet the management and teachers of our college and start holding useful meetings - discussions?

    Why can't we keep our opinions about caste, religion, politics etc away for some time and bring our knowledge, experience and expertise in here and work together and help the American College to regain it's lost glory?

    Why can't we create a committee and find out the reasons for the fall and initiate corrective measures?
    That'll be the best gift we could ever give to our college.

    We all have a duty / a responsibility towards our alma mater. It's time to give back.

    Christopher Rajasekaran
    1973 Batch - BA Economics

  5. ISAAC JACOB writes ….

    I think we all have been awful alumni’s.

    Majority of the discussions taking place here are politics, information, (some vital some not) and entertainment. While that is important for our social and mental well-being we could have taken sometime to discuss why our college is so far behind on the ranking system.

    Some questioned the ranking process, I feel it’s lame. There are 100’s colleges listed across the country and we cry foul.

    As the first step we could try and ascertain what ailing the college and forward a set of recommendations to the college to act on the same.

    I am ready to give time to this endeavor, not in isolation but as a part of a working team.

  6. Somasundaram,
    Christopher Rajasekaran,
    Isaac Jacob,
    Thanks for your comments. It shows you care.


    As we have discussed earlier, the fighting spirit for a common cause is died long back, it suits for both teaching staff and students as well. My father went to jail so many time fighting for teachers union and all the strikes were participated by all the teachers selflessly, now the scenario is different selfish or self centered ppl are afraid of the so called superiors and boot lickers numbers are higher than fighters. Hence as you said, the blog, WA group and FB will be ignored those posts and. few keyboard warriors will will make some noise just for seeking attention.

    என்ன கொடுமை!
