Thursday, November 17, 2011

A NOTE FROM ME ..........


hi folks

Yesterday I found that I have been eased / expelled (?!) out of our college blog by the admin – for their own reasons. I don’t know why.

But I would like to continue what I was doing – bringing the happenings in the college to you all.

12, Nov. 11


  1. John Paul Anbu K writes ....


  2. Uthayashanker Ezekiel writes ...

    Dear Sir
    I greatly appreciate you psoting the current events realted to Anerican College and reading your email.and blog.

  3. A.R.Venkitaraman writes ...

    Dear Sam,

    Sorry to note that you will not be in charge of the College Blog. Please be heartened that you did an excellent job of keeping information and communications flowing when you were in charge. Thank you for your critical service at a crucial time.

    I never realised that the Blog was under the control of the administration for it to recruit and remove those in service. Is it the current College Administration that you have referred to as the administation? May your alternate mode of information dissemination continue. All the best.

  4. D.Samuel Lawrence writes ...

    Dear Sam,
    If we could keep in mind that the now three year old struggle is only to save a glorious institution- The American College- with all its ideals and traditions in tact, from the deadly clutches of the Bishop Asir and his stooges and if we could realise that,in this ongoing struggle, truth and truth alone matters above everything else, we have to necessarily be prepared for incurring the wrath and displeasure of our 'friends' who seem to attach more importance to individuals than to the institution. This focus should not be lost at any cost. So, carry on with your mission to disseminate information related to the struggle, to all those eagerly interested in the College's survival and success. Do it as you have always done, with absolute objectivity and impartiality. We are here only to support and help you in this noble mission.

  5. Rajendra Pandian writes ...

    “Hard-pressed…but not crushed”

    Your resolve to continue is inspiring and worth emulating.

  6. Dear Sir

    Sorry to note that you have been eased out from our blog. It is a design that always truth stands alone to teach us it is never be defeated. so carry on with your mission to save "My College".

  7. Dear Sam

    Keep up the great work and dont give up!

    This is Aziz ( Director - Management Studies from 2000-2003). Through your blogs , I have been following keenly the sad, and at times farcical events that have engulfed American College. While at AC, even in my wildest nightmares I could not have imagined what is going in an institution where my late father was an alumnus and where I spent three wonderful years as Director.

    I am reminded of the college motto at this juncture " Purificatus Non Consumptus" . Indeed !Hopefully this purgatory will cleanse the college finally of wrong elements before being restored to its former glory. We all need to exercise patience and hope....

    With best wishes and prayers

    Aziz Seyid

  8. I was pained to see one of my fellow chroniclers Dharumi was “ejected” out of the SaveAmericanCollege blog responsibilities by the blog admin. I was totally confused because to my knowledge he was the only admin I knew until someone else took over. Dharumi Ayya, YOU with your BIG HEART and unbiased reporting kept the ideals of American College in much higher esteem. Thank you very much for reporting to us the TRUTH as it was happening at the American College. But you forgot that “Truth sometimes hurts”. So it is obvious that the current admin of SaveAmericanCollege blog was hurt by your truthful reporting. Please note that you are the only inspirational force behind most of us to take up our brooms.

    I am also saddened by the possible fact that you might have tried to accommodate my second post and was ejected because of that, as I saw fleetingly my post published and removed in a flash. But time will acknowledge the truth when it blazes glaringly back at whoever decided to eject you out. Till then please continue to churn out the truth through your keyboard while some of us will continue to sweep the dirt at the beautiful campus of American college…..

    Sycophants and minions will come and go but the noble institution like American College will stay eternally…


  9. Broomboy

    The sudden appearance and disappearance of your post will be resurrected soon here in this blog along with the first one. so also the article which induced my eviction!

  10. Expected, I think the senior faculty never taught us to be so narrow. not shocked though. The present faculty need some basic ignition to be inspired. The college has become the city of the dead or an inferno. We have done enough exorcism. Be there and keep doing the job. It is not a small task ahead. The present team is insecure about their place and sense.

  11. George Berlin said ...

    Extremely sorry to hear that your communication to the friends and alumni of American College through the BLOG has come to a sudden end. it was through your kind efforts that I was able to follow the trials and tribulations, the college has been going though for the last few years. Thanks for your excellent efforts. I did not know that the BLOG was under the control of the so-called college administration. Please continue the dissemination of valuable information. Good wishes and all the best.

    George Berlin,
    UCLA School of Public Health,
    LOS ANGELES, Ca, 90066

  12. Dr.A.R.V., Dr. Oberlin,
    The blog, as assumed by you, is not under the administration of the college, but by one of our own friends, colleagues. There was some difference of opinion in posting some views. Hence this happened. Thought let us leave it all there and go forward ........

  13. Dear Sir......

    Removing you from the blog is disheartening to all. STill you are continuing the service rendered to us. This shows your attitude and the caliber towards our college and people... Hats off sir.....

  14. Dick Riesz writes ...
    Dear "Dharumi:

    So glad to get the mail referred, and VERY GLAD you are keeping up this blog yourself.



    Dick Riesz
    tel: 931-277-5642

  15. Anbu,
    Uthayashanker Ezekiel,
    D.Samuel Lawrence,
    Rajendra Pandian,
    Lawrence the flintonian,
    Aziz Seyid,
    George Berlin,
    மனம் கொண்டவன்,
    Dick Riesz

    .................. thanks a lot for all of you for your understanding and encouragement.
