Wednesday, October 5, 2016



I feel bad that I took this much time to write a note on Dr. Ryerson.

I apologize—to myself.  

I can’t claim that Dr. Ryerson and I were friends. I can’t even say we knew each other very well. But, I can say I first met with him in the early 90’s at Prof. EJ’s residence when EJ was the Warden of Washburn Hall and I a Superintendent. I found Dr. Ryerson as a person indeed very friendly, informal but cultivated, and  with an ability to be very humorous and very serious at once.  I had interacted with him a few times thereafter.

Then, I, as a Faculty Representative on the Governing Council, wrote to him in October 2007 voicing apprehensions over the proposed ‘constitutional amendments’ that the then management was working on. As I tried to draw his attention to the “open ended character” of certain clauses in the draft proposal  “with strong manipulative potential”, Dr.Ryerson sounded concerned—as I understood—but was apparently  slow  to articulate  his views on that.

 He pointed out that the Trustees no longer had their representative on our Governing Council. And, after answering my query about the so-called memorandum between Dr. Thangaraj and the Trustees regarding a similar clause—sorry if I sound cryptic—he added that the Trustees could not micromanage the affairs of the college that was continents away from their place.

Think Dr. Ryerson  was ailing even then; but he knew everything was not too well in Madurai.

2008 started with ominous signs around and the American College problem erupted on April 12—interestingly the same date as the American Civil War broke out.

I’m unable to add anything new to the well written obituary from Prof.V.Srinivasan.  I can only recall with reverence and gratitude how deeply Dr.Ryerson loved the college and how committed and consistent he was in protecting its interests. I have read several times the letters written by Dr. Ryerson, Dr. Reisz, and Dr. Carl Jacabson respectively as those writings always inspire and urge us in such a way that we rededicate ourselves to the task of defending this great institution.

We will miss Dr. Charles Ryerson.

May his soul rest in peace.


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