After listening to the eye-witness accounts, reading the newspaper reports and seeing the photos of the atrocities committed on the campus of the 131 year-old renowned institution of higher learning in Madurai-The American College, on Monday,14-03-2001, I cannot but feel saddened and wonder, 'Why Lord, why ? It is an expression of anguish, pain.and frustration. It is also a cry of outrage at the mounting evidence of the total degeneration of human values, so arrogantly displayed for all of us to see and get shell-shocked. But, let the puppets in power realise that nothing can shake our determination to fight to the finish.
This glorious institution, founded by selfless American missionaries, which has trained thousands and thousands of students all these years, to explore and experiment with new ideas, to fight for Truth and Justice without worrying about the cost, to uphold moral values like integrity and honesty under any circumstances and to be brave and courageous in opposing evil forces, however mighty and strong they might be, lay in a shambles that day. All around, there was evidence, in plenty, to proclaim to the outside world that it can no longer claim to be a principled premier institution. The New Indian Express, which has been a source of great moral support, giving wide and fair coverage of the problem, right from its beginning till now,for which we owe a deep sense of gratitude and appreciation says sorrowfully, 'The violence inside the campus has torn to shreds the reputation of the renowned institute".
Rowdies roaming about on the campus, obviously encouraged by the tacit support of police, has been a common sight, after the puppet Mohan was cunningly installed as the Principal by none other than the Bishop Christopher Asir whose 'sacred aim' is to become the 'monarch of all that he surveys'. (Even earlier, during the period of another puppet- George Selvakumar, made Principal by the Bishop, the same thing happened.) Probably, the Bishop specialises in rearing rowdies.In fact,he does everything other than what he is expected to do and finds vicarious pleasure in it.
These anti-social elements coupled with some 'students', took law into their hands and displayed their expertise in using abusive language, pelting stones, chasing students,non-teaching staff and Faculty and also smashing two-wheelers and four-wheelers. Above all, they went to the extent of breaking doors and barging into a few houses of wardens loyal to the College, threatened the inmates and indulged in vandalism. Flower pots were thrown about and a car parked in front of the Principal's residence bore the brunt of the ferocious attack of these rowdies. (Only one house was spared and that had been forcibly occupied only recently by the so-called Chaplain,Arul Arasu Israel breaking open its lock. ( Chaplain breaking open a lock. Unthinkable, Isn't it? But, can we expect anything better from a person supporting the Bishop, who did similar thing earlier?And, they call themselves servants of God..The vandalism on the campus was clearly pre-meditated and pre-planned with all the instruments of attack, like stones and rods kept ready near the chapel.The very fact that the chapel premises were allowed to be used for such sinister designs shows the myopic mentality of the Chaplain. I won't be surprised if the chapel itself is turned into a centre of nefarious activities. When I think of the long line of dedicated and committed chaplains, who through their words and deeds spread the message of Christ-Love and Peace, I cannot but feel ashamed of a power-hungry person like the present chaplain. A profound sense of grief engulfs me when I think of the heartless way the chapel has been converted into a place of politics.) While, the 'Principal' and his team gleefully enjoyed the mindless destruction going on, the Police, on the other hand, calmly did their 'duty' of turning a blind eye to whatever was going on..In fact, innocent students who were trying to escape the fury of the rowdies, were harassed and threatened with dire consequences. What a wonderful police force we have.
I have worked in the College for 34 years. Several strikes and agitations have taken place during this period.. But, never,not even once- have I seen the kind of orchestrated violence on such a large scale, with hired hooligans given a free hand to carry out the job of selective vandalism aimed at terrorising those loyal to the college. The photos taken that day clearly portray a picture of unbridled hatred and seething spirit of revenge in full throttle. How can such a thing happen in an educational institution, where values are expected to be taught? How could the 'Principal" who is only 'first among the equals'and his 'noble advisors' think of employing rowdies to intimidate those passionately interested in preserving the individuality of this college? How can he try to take revenge on the Faculty and non-teaching staff with whom he works and the students, for whom, he is supposed to be a guardian and guide? This is the first time that a weak and ,more dangerously, an unscrupulous administration, has made the unthinkable happen on this hallowed campus, without an iota of shame or regret. They are solely responsible for the mayhem on the campus. It was shocking to see even some 'students' excitedly assisting the rowdies in their mission of destruction.
Any one, who has studied/taught or worked in some capacity or the other in this great institution is bound to be filled with sadness and sorrow, pain and anguish at the way it has been dragged into the mire of self-destructive power-play, deeper and deeper. Friends,supporters and admirers of the College would bemoan the situation prevailing on the campus. But, unfortunately, those who are supposed to guide the destinies of the College, particularly, the Bishop-Chairman do not have any concern for the College. He treats it only as a property. Unfortunately too, there are some scholar-politicians who do not care what happens to the College as long as their thirst for power and money is quenched some way or the other. At least now, after these horrible incidents, let them try to do some soul-searching and reconsider their so-called neutral stand, which, to a large extent,has strengthened the hands of those bent upon destroying the College. How can there be any neutrality between good and evil?
The unprecedented scenes of vandalism, in all its cruelty and ugliness, witnessed on the campus of The American College on that fateful day, were clearly meant to frighten those who are fighting for its survival as a Christian College with a secular outlook and independent of the Church, as the Founding Fathers willed. But, this will only strengthen their resolve to continue the struggle more vigorously. . The days to come will prove it.
"This is no time for ease and comfort.
It is the time to dare and endure" -
Sir. Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
D.Samuel Lawrence