Saturday, March 8, 2014



There is a good adage, a very popular one, in Tamil :  செருப்புக்கு ஏத்த மாதிரி காலை வெட்டிக்கிறது ... (cut your legs to suit your shoes!) Our great man Davamani is trying to do that – starting an education department in our college, so that his “Ph.D. in Education” may become ‘suitable and acceptable’. 

I really admire him – for all his knacks in the ‘hurdles run’!

The following are some materials from my reliable sources to keep him exposed in  his legal jugglery with his forgery and perjury.


Dr. Rajendra Pandian’s email to the Principal sent on March 03, 2014 with copies to Members of the Senatus, The American College:

Dear Sir:

Greetings to you!                     
I, as a member of the faculty, submit to send you this mail much against my natural instinct for self restraint at a time as this. I think it is no longer a secret that your PhD degree is dubious; it was shocking to learn that the university that awarded the degree has said you got the certificate “wrongly and fraudulently” and “stage-managed”. 

 When it is widely speculated —thanks to the ongoing litigation questioning your qualification and selection as Principal—that you, with PhD  “only” in Education [and not Mathematics / “Interdisciplinary” as you claim], may be disqualified from heading this institution which doesn’t offer programs in that discipline, it came as a bizarre piece of information  that Dr. G. C. Abraham, the Vice-Principal had suggested in a recent Senatus meeting that the college should think of offering “Education” in its curriculum. I also heard you promptly hushed him up, for some reason or other, and there was no discussion, resolution, whatsoever on it in the Senatus. 

In this context, many of us were taken by surprise when we learnt something like: the administration had filed a document with the Honorable Madras High Court Bench, Madurai on Feb 24, 2014 conveying that “Education” might soon find a place in the college curriculum!!

Is it true that such a representation to the court was made?

 If so, doesn’t your effort to introduce a course in “Education” in this fashion, if ever possible in a liberal arts college as ours, demonstrate a desperation to help yourself rather than the desire to serve God and People, as we always claim? By the way, I would also like to know whether the court is the only forum in receipt of such representation. The perceived manipulation and misrepresentation of fact in this regard alongside a daring abuse of autonomy are unacceptable!

I thank you, Sir.               
M. Rajendra Pandian                                           
Dept. of English

Reported highlights of the Senatus meeting held on March 04, 2014:

·         The Principal admitted that he had presented a document to the court stating the Senatus had resolved to create a Department of Education. When some members said it came up only as a feeble suggestion followed by no discussion or resolution, he said it was resolved so as it was not opposed!!
·         When some agitated senior members of the Senatus asked the Vice Principal whether any such a resolution was passed he said “No”.
·         The Principal refused to circulate the minutes of the particular meeting saying that it was not yet ready [whereas he had already filed a fake document with  the court as Senatus minutes].
·         Those senior members who argued with him for about an hour condemned this as “breach of trust”, and “blatant lying” walked out of the Hall.

Faculty Meeting and Academic Council Meeting as reported:

·         Over the same issue and the denial of permission to discuss it, there was increased unrest for about two hours in the faculty meeting on March 06, 2014 preceding the academic council meetings. 
·         The academic Council meeting on March 07, 2014 went on without any mention of “Education”. Queries from two senior faculty members on the alleged issuance of “fabricated mark sheets” to some students and the furnishing of “false records” to the AICTE for getting extension for the MBA program elicited no answer.

Visit to access related documents.