Hi Sam,
Hope this note finds you and members of your family in good health and holiday cheer.
You have been silent for a while and I do not presume "No news is good news." As long as the evil forces are holding the fate of our Alma mater, it is not good news. Let us hope for the best. As poet Shelley said, "If Winter comes, is Spring far behind?"
Wish you all a Very Happy, Healthy, and Hopeful 2013.
George Berlin
Present no news is not a good news. Nevertheless there is one small piece of info which may 'kindly' be taken as good news!
In one of the legal cases ( a case of Dr. David vs Christober - alleging that selection of principal was done not in a right way ) against Christober, sil of the former bishop, Dr. Anbudurai's implead has been accepted. Our counselor's plea was that the judgment in this case should not have any say on the validity of the two governing councils. A small piece of solace. We have to wait for the cases in lower court to go faster and come out with a better and right judgment. Of course ...our wait is too long ........ Hope and wish 2013 becomes a SUCCESSFUL year for our college.
Let me join with Dr. Berlin to wish you ALL A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.
........... Sam