It was terrific to read Prof DSL's response to my note after a long night working on a client project (I work as a freelancer out of my apartment and keep irregular hours).
It also seems to me that it might also be time to start a Facebook (FB) cause page on the matter that we're all concerned about, One of the services I provide to my clients is the opportunity to make them stand out via the use of social media networks. I've noticed that a lot of Indians are switching to Facebook as well. Obviously, I'm offering to do this pro bono, so no worries on any expenses. It's the least I can do. Please let me know if this might be something worthwhile. I will set up the page and can also administer it; of course, anyone else who wants to help can be admins as well.
Further, some of us here in the U.S. can bring pressure to bear on the Bishop through church liaisons. Was that considered? Is that a realistic option? Some of the large church-related foundations in the U.S. will not be happy to learn of the Bishop's not-so-salubrious tactics.
Thanks again for the work on the blog; I've been burrowing down in the archives, too. You may want to consider other platforms where video, photography and text will work better together; simply a recommendation/suggestion, not criticism.
"Tumblr" comes to mind as a vehicle many people are using these days.
I will be in touch. Cheers!